The most frequent events organized by your company are press
conferences, new product and services launches and company
parties, dinners, cocktails for partners, clients and the companies
employees. Other company important events are the parties organized for
Christmas or company anniversary.
For all these events you will need high quality images for
both the company archive and to sent to selected attendants.
For the press conferences and other important events you
will need images to send to the papers and magazines which
did not sent their own photographer to the event.
For these cases, Dana will offer you a selection of images
for the press, at a good resolution for printing but small
enough to be sent by E-mail. This can be done in a matter of
hours after the events so you will be able to meet the publications'
deadlines. These images will be transferred to you via Internet.
After the event you will receive the proofs of the images
taken so you will be able to choose the images you need. The
images you order will be processed to the resolution chosen
and will be delivered on CD or DVD.
The images can be delivered as Jpegs RGB, at 4288 x 2848 pixels
(12 megapixels) or 3008 x 2000 pixels
(equiv. 6 megapixels).
To get an estimate for an events photography photo session
you can use the Photographic Services Contract which can be downloaded